Mobile App Development Services Computer vision

In Category

Author: Carlos Rios

Alice Guardian: Security platform with AI

Web platform for video surveillance monitoring with artificial intelligence and computer vision capabilities for gun recognition, knife recognition, person recognition, events trigger based on fixed rules and object identification, Geofence functionalities, among others.

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Vet Boards

Is a web application which allows pets owners to know their pet’s status when is enters to the veterinary. The

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Mobile App Development Services Computer vision

Mr Bumper

Mr Bumper makes it easy for the technician to create and approve invoices for the different repairs requested from the

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Smarket Web App

Web platform for video surveillance monitoring with artificial intelligence and computer vision capabilities for gun recognition, knife recognition, person recognition, events trigger based on fixed rules and object identification, Geofence functionalities, among others.

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Smarket Android App

This Android application help Chile’s retailers to manage their entire business. The client wanted us to develop these specific features:

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