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Programmer’s burnout: Struggling demotivation


Carlos Rios

I am a self made entrepreneur, Electronic engineering professional heading Daniel Apps leadership since 2012 to provide software development solutions across different industries.

Burnout is a very serious issue for software developers. Programmers feel stuck in their projects, unable to make any progress, and it can start as a simple blockage, but it will get worse every time. If we don’t take any actions against it, it can take us to the end of our careers, quitting programming and coding for all.

This issue is caused mainly by overwork or stress, and it’s physical and mentally exhaustive. It doesn’t just demotivate programmers but also kills passion for software development. This is the most common symptom, but eventually the ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment will strike and even anxiety or depression will get you, especially around work.

Anybody with unhealthy work habits can struggle with burnout, and some of the main causes are the following:

1. Overwork

Sitting in front of your computer for +8 hours is not good for your physical and mental health. If you do this, you’re clearly not managing your time in the correct way, and tiredness drives you to lose motivation to accomplish tasks, and without motivation you can hardly do a good job, or even get any work done at all.

This also affects you physically, inactivity and lack of exercise or sleep, leads you to be energyless all the time. A tired body won’t leave you organize thoughts in the proper way.

2. Monotonous work

Sitting in front of your computer for +8 hours is not good for your physical and mental health. If you do this, you’re clearly not managing your time in the correct way, and tiredness drives you to lose motivation to accomplish tasks, and without motivation you can hardly do a good job, or even get any work done at all.

This also affects you physically, inactivity and lack of exercise or sleep, leads you to be energyless all the time. A tired body won’t leave you organize thoughts in the proper way.

3. Unrewarded job

The feeling of doing your best and giving everything to do a great job and not seeing any rewards of it, it’s simply devastating. This can make you feel your effort is worthless and demotivation attacks you harder and harder.

All of this will take you to the same point: tiredness, unproductivity and ineffectiveness. It is really hard to get rid of a burnout when it’s in a deep stage, people tend to simply quit their jobs or even change careers, but there are some few things that can be done before there’s no way back.

First, organize your schedule. Set your times and do your job and tasks in those times. Learn to separate your work hours from your rest ones. This will avoid lots of issues, especially when it comes to your health. If it’s an internal issue, where your employer or company demands too many hours, try agreeing with them and don’t just charge yourself with all the tasks they suggest to look good in front of them. Think about yourself and your well-being.

Also, exercise, keep in shape and get enough sleep. Programmers tend to work until late night, especially if there are deadlines coming. You’re not a steelman and you certainly need to rest, not doing it will just grow the problem. Adopt healthy habits, don’t just grab whatever is near. Snacks and sugars just make you tired at the end, including veggies and fruits to your diet will help you to keep normal energy levels.

Small changes like what you eat and working out at least two times per week will help you to change perspective and stop seeing work as a torture.

Some other things you can do to deal with burnout is to learn something new, get to know more programming languages, enroll in courses, or talk to your coworkers about trends and innovations, this will motivate you to grow in your career and also reduce boredom until it is totally eradicated.

If the burnout stage is severe, your emotional state is really affected. Talk to the psychologist of the company, or go on your own to a different one. Getting professional help it’s necessary when it comes to serious issues such as depression and anxiety, and it’s time to normalize getting that help when it’s needed.

Always work in order to engage yourself with something you love, and hold on to the passion of that. Programming is our passion, and here at Daniel Apps we tell you our experiences to help you keep that passion and guide you to continue creating great things.

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